MEDEE and its partners work for the industry of the future !
On Friday 1st December 2017, the MEDEE academic partners presented the first results of the CE2I project “Intelligent Integrated Energy Converter”. No less than sixty enthusiasts (including a lot of MEDEE members) attended this seminar and took part in the debate.
Industrialists : EDF R&D Modelling, the motor manufacturer Jeumont Electric, Amphénol-Auxel (expert in busbar), Thyssen Krupp Electrical Steel specializing in high performance steels, the SNCF Railway Systems and Technology Department…
Power Electronics startups and SMEs such as FL Power, AF Thermacore Engineering, a superconductivity specialist Super Ox…
The Motor of the Future: what technological locks ?
During a design or innovation phase, any industrialist is confronted with one of the technological locks:
compactness of the energy actuator {rotating machine and converter},
structural and functional reliability,
thermal management following the rise in frequency of power electronics components,
Virtual prototyping of the converter to limit the design of real prototypes.
This seminar was a moment dedicated to mixing industry and research, detecting common problems related to emerging standards, and raising collaborative R&D
« Exciting presentations, showing all the interest and the contribution of interdisciplinarity to such projects » Paul DUCASSE
More Information on the CE2I Project (in English) :